
Editing Update #7

I’ve only recently picked up my editing again, not because I was busy (though I was), but because my head and heart weren’t in it. That’s not a state in which I want to look at my manuscripts, and it took a while for that mood to evaporate. But I’m back in the game now! I’m reserving the weekend especially for editing, mainly because during the week it’s all writing, writing, writing and working, of course.

I’m still editing my novella [TBWAH], and in the process of going over my NaNoWriMo 2014 novel [SG] to turn it into a tightly writing novella as well, so I have my work cut out for me. Once I finish editing [TBWAH] I’m sending it to my beta readers, and immediately dive head first into tweaking [SG] to make a novella out of it.

Now, there’s a novella initiative from a publisher which has the deadline somewhere in March, and I want to submit [SG], so I’m going to have to get on that. That means editing more frequently and for longer periods of time. We’ll see how that turns out, I guess. But I’m excited and want to submit before the deadline, so I’m going to have to light a fire under my ass, as they say.

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